/List otwarty do Premiera Rumunii Victora Ponty

List otwarty do Premiera Rumunii Victora Ponty


Mr. Victor Ponta

Prime Minister


e-mail: victorponta2.0@gmail.com


Dear Mr. Prime Minister,


we support you in your struggle to implement First-Past-The-Post electoral system. We dream ourselves to have such goal-oriented and determined person as a PM.

We admire your fast reaction moves against your opponents. We, the Poles, cross the fingers for you, Mr. Ponta. Do not quit!


We ourselves are heavily experienced nation by Nazis ad Soviets, therefore we perfectly understand wheeling and dealing behind the world scene and the measures The World Evil has taken and may still take against you personally, your political supporters and your nation. We already face blanket of silence in the media, also in our country.


We never forget Romanian attitude towards defeated Polish Army in 1939.

We remember Romania's refusal to invade Czechoslovakia in 1968.

You represent a brave nation. Thank you, Romanians.



Yours sincerely,

                                                              🙂 Tadeusz Browarek

                                                              Warsaw, Poland



List ten wysłałem do p. Victora Ponty, premiera Rumunii, 8 lipca 2012 o godz. 12.36. Adres znalazłem na jego własnej stronie http://www.victorponta.ro/ naciskając zakładkę "Contact". Zachęcam również Państwa do wysłania rumuńskiemu premierowi podobnych listów poparcia w dowolnym języku lub/i wpisu na powyższej stronie.

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