Poniższy komentarz został opublikowany 28.07.2012 w kilku rumuńskich gazetach – wydaniach internetowych:


We, the Poles, strongly support you Romanians in your efforts to reinstate control over your country by introducing uninominal electoral system (First-Past-The-Post), as it was adopted by Romanian Parliament on 22 May 2012.

We strongly believe that there a is place in united Europe for sovereign nations as it is stated in your constitution and in ours.

We are well aware of President Traian Basescu’s play with uninominal electoral system in 2007, when he as a reportedly then-supporter attempted to use it in his political game leading to an unsuccessful voters referendum.

We perfectly understand why American and British imposed proportional voting system in Germany in 1948, contrary to their own ones. It is a perfect way to manipulate a nation externally. The same voting system has been imposed in Poland in by the Soviets, apparently for the same purpose. Therefore we observe with highest disgust American and British ambassadors to Romania teaching you democracy and preaching you lessons – all in order to avoid bad Romanian example able to ruin their supremacy.

There are hundreds of thousands of supporters of uninominal electoral system in Poland, yet we were not able to get it through the fortress-like parliament dominated by old-style political parties.

Therefore Romanians, go and vote on 29 July 2012 ignoring Brussels hooting to oust a faker playing on your emotions and love to your country. Do not let others to interfere in your national interest.

We dream to follow your example.

Viva Romania! Viva Europe of sovereign nations!

Tadeusz Browarek
Uninominal Electoral System Movement
Wroclaw, Poland, 28 July 2012


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